среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

chandos deli

I�resent that

1. At 28 years of age, you make childish snobby comments when you donapos;t know better

2.�you are running a department, but you make unnecessary sarcastic stabs at your colleagues

3. You allude to the fact that my bossapos;s PA is sleeping with him. She may not be up to scratch, but she presses all the right buttons. Jealous?

5. You are telling me apos;how things workapos; around here. Look, this is not my first job. This is a work place, not�the school playarea for gossip.�If�the schedule�works for my boss, it works for me. I�donapos;t answer to you, so stop being snide. Unlike your repeated droning of how you stayed in last night, and how you come in on weekends, I�do not proclaim to the world that I�was clocking the hours through the night, or during the weekend. So just sod off and be quiet.

I am. Annoyed.

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