вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

artist galaxy in indianapolis theater united

Im doing homework again and i just want to write more stuff about you for the third time in two days. I dont care, i canapos;t remember feeling this happy. He texted me while i was taking a nap and while i was walking down to school just now to ask if i had fun last night and that he canapos;t wait to hangout on wednesday. He told me what a good kisser i am last night and we talked about how we canapos;t wait for halloween and he said he was glad he met me and i told him i was really excited that we were going to hangout and he said the same. He plays with my hair a lot. He holds my hand no matter how weapos;re laying. I canapos;t wait to see him again and see how his friends are. Im a little nervous about that but weapos;ll all be drinking together, it should just be a good time. I was really expecting another shitty freddy situation, im so happy it turned out like this.

bachata de aventura, artist galaxy in indianapolis theater united, artist gajoum kal, artist gainsborough, artist gagnan, artist gabriele munter.

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